Navigating Human Intelligence: Understanding and Managing Low-Intelligence Levels and Stupidity Quotients
In this article you will learn the following
- Why should you learn to deal with people with extremely low-intelligence levels
-5 categories of people based on their stupidity quotient - true for India - others please match the crook category in your country
-48 signs you are dealing with an inherently low intelligence person
-28 tips how to deal with people with extremely low levels of intelligence
- Why intelligent people miss opportunities
- The basic laws of human stupidity AND The theory of stupidity
I am not an intelligent person [and like all dumb person I always thought of myself as a person of extremely high intelligence and one of the smartest persons].
But recently after reading the book "the basic laws of human stupidity" by the Italian economist Carlo Cipolla - I realized that although I am dumb and my focus is always to add value to others - STILL I caused lots of pain, hurt, losses to my most loved ones.
This conforms to the third basic law of stupidity which states - "a stupid person is the one who causes losses to another person or a group of people while they themselves gain nothing or may even suffer losses".
Then there is Bonhoeffer's "theory of stupidity" - which states that - We have more to fear from stupid people than evil ones - because stupidity can be manipulated and is used by the evil people - you will find that Andha-Bhakts or Blind-Followers in India are - taken for ride and fooled by The Politicians, The Religious Babas/Celebrity Gurus.
Evil people find it hard to take power, they need stupid people to do their work -- BUT - ONCE EVIL - ACQUIRES POWER IT BECOMES A DESTRUCTIVE FORCE - in India The Political Stupid and Religious Stupid people are causing havoc to - economy, peace, education, growth, etc., etc. THIS LIST CAN GO ON AND ON.
A stupid person can be guided, steered, and manipulated to do any number of things by their Evil puppet master.
Look at the Indian MEDIA who are dancing to to the tune of their EVIL Masters- who have become GOTALABES [Giving-Oral Taking-Anal Licking-Ass-Ball Eating-Shit].
If you take all factors into consideration - You will discover that - Every person has some form of intelligence and some form of challenging weakness.
Like a psychologist might be a big failure in his/her relationships, an athlete might have low EQ - or a brilliant scientist being socially challenged.
Stupid people exist - and very-large numbers - and you will always have to deal with the high numbers of stupid people - you just can't avoid and escape them - best solution is to learn how to deal with these people.
Why should you learn to deal with people with extremely low-intelligence levels - it is also because of the truth which is the fourth basic law of stupidity by Carlo Cipolla - which states as follows.
Non-stupid people always underestimate the damaging power of stupid individuals. In particular, non-stupid people constantly forget that in any time and place and circumstance dealing and/or hanging out with stupid people always turns out to be a costly mistake and he says that "stupid people are deadly dangerous because reasonable people find it difficult to imagine and understand stupid behavior.
Based on the this book's theories I did some research on my own to discover 5 types of broad categories - people [especially in India] can be divided into
5 categories of people based on their stupidity quotient
1.Very sophisticated hall of fame crooks - who creates lots of unfair benefits to themselves but cause losses to masses
I. Almost all politicians who cheat, commit crime, loot and favor their AssLickers - Pareto laws or 80/20 principal fails for this category [it could be 99/1 for Indian politicians]
II. Majority of bureaucrats covering all three arms - who support the politicians to build massive assets for themselves - Pareto-principal or 80/20 law fails for this category too in India [it would be maybe 95/5]
III. Few well-known businessmen - who with the mutual support of politicians - loots, dupes and cheats public
IV. Religious biggies - who with the mutual support of politicians - loots, dupes and cheats public and elevate their political mentors
2. Vile evil geniuses -most these people have high recognition, power and connectivity
I. After the sophisticated-crooks - this is probably the most dangerous category - they are the people who will support anything bad - knowing it is bad - because of the psychological thrill it gives them
3. Stupid -[could be either of the three - malevolent, benevolent or cunning]- who create loss for others as well as lose themselves - nobody gains
I. They are from the class - who for a little consideration - would elect and support the big-time crooks - the powerful narcissist and megalomaniac - who being true to their nature use this unlimited blanket mandate - to destroy the country by making it weak and weaker.
4. Naïve and immature people - who suffer losses to themselves but give benefits to others - in this category - comes people who help the biggest crooks - under the belief that they will deliver what they are promising
5. Intelligent and benevolent people - who create fair benefits to themselves as well as to others and who knows - what is wrong and what needs to be done and they take all actions within their area of control
48 signs you are dealing with an inherently low intelligence person
1.Learn to differentiate between two types of stupid people and beware about the person who is stupid and knows it but hides it through arrogance and know it all behavior -typically - this one is most dangerous one and we have this category plenty and in very powerful positions too - who have the power to harm the masses
2.Most people will low intelligence levels take things too personally
3.They judge and pass instant judgement
4.They gossip behind others' back - they enjoy gossiping
5.Their choice of words are limited
6.They can't have any meaningful conversation
7.They may post too many selfies and spend far too much time of social media or watching useless videos and serials
8.They criticize and blame others
9.They have difficulty in accepting their mistakes and saying sorry
10.Poor, low and questionable education, knowledge and expertise
11.Very low listening ability
12.Very very low attention span - their mind gets overloaded with little information and starts wandering
13.Have poor quality of relationships in their life
14.They lack empathy - and can't see from other's perspectives
15.They lack both verbal and non-verbal communication skills.
16.They are aware of their weaknesses, flaws and lacunas and to distract [in their beliefs] - they use lots of gestures
17.They speak without thinking through - making them come out even more stupid
18.They are insensitive and will step on others toes - their loved ones and other people around them without even being aware of it - this frustrates people who have above normal levels of intelligence
19.They can be easily molded and influenced by crooks
20.They fall for manipulations repeatedly as they can't discerns from what seems too good to be true
21.They don't have the ability to recognize those manipulations, and, unfortunately, they fall for them almost every time
22.They speak loudly - even when the topic is of personal nature
23.They have poor hygiene, grooming and dressing
24.They are normally messy and disorganized
25.They are afraid to speak and share their opinion - because of their fear of looking stupid.
26.They either undermine their limitations or blow expertise level and intellectual capabilities out of proportion
27.They are master of irrationality
28.They may start doing wrong thing simply because someone else thinks it's okay
29.They think and actually believe that they know the best and know it all
30.They are poor learners
31.They don't understand what they want
32.They take their decisions on intuition — which often leads to regrets and loss
33.They depend too much on luck - and don't prepare
34.They will keep defending their perspective - even though what they are saying or standing-up for - does not make sense
35.They rarely have any substantial evidence to defend the ideas they claim to believe
36.They stick with bad relationships longer
37.They talk too much
38.They try to give a reason and explain - things which thy know nothing about
39.They are master of obvious
40.They talks because they just want to say something, anything - and they want to be the one that everyone pays attention to
41.They don't take responsibility for their own lives
42.They make every statement come out as weak - they do this by adding a qualifier to every sentence they say - like saying - I am not sure if this is right, but I think we should
43.They use bad English
44.They assume that their point of view - are the truth
45.They idolize every powerful people
46.They can overdrink and create scene
47.They act rude - as if nothing concerns them
48.They get annoyed very fast
49.Most of the people with low intelligence levels have deep insecurities which results into low self-esteem
28 tips how to deal with people with extremely low levels of intelligence
1.Try stepping outside your pre-set perceptions - to try to view things from their angle
2.Smile to diffuse the defense of the stupidity
3.Identify what could be their strengths and talents - acknowledge it by highlighting it
4.Begin with praise - it always works - especially for people who are insecure works for everybody.
5.Speak slowly -be respectful and be polite
6.Please accept that - if you are unable to understand them - it could also be because you need to acquire some skills yourself
7.Walk away - if you don't have to be around
8.Learn how to cut short the conversation and run - without feeling bad yourself
9.Understand that you cannot fix them - it is not your responsibility and neither you have the power to change anyone
10.Accept that - no matter how hard you try to explain it - some people just can't understand - focus on maintaining your sanity
11.Never ever tell them that they are wrong and stupid - they have great vengeful memory
12.Use simple language and phrases with them while conversing - don't waste time explaining terms they don't understand
13.Always check for their understanding - ask them to repeat
14.If you want to help them- explain patiently - don't yell or insult them
15.If you find their low-intelligence causing you to lose control - understand that you need to work on your eq and sq
16.Learn how to remain calm and in self-control
17.Don't say anything that may hurt their feelings
18.Learn to sit back and watch them - only if their behavior threatens your peace - then explore ways you can distance yourself from them
19.Please understand that they are blind to their own foolishness - if you persist making them see the right way - you will become their enemy
20.Be kind to them -don't react too quickly to them
21.Learn to be calm to deal with stupid people at work
22.Understand why this person is behaving the way she/he is - try to understand their objectives and pain etc.
23.If you find it difficult to deal with them - ask your more experienced colleagues for tips
24.Be patient while dealing with an arrogant or jealous coworker - find ways to defuse their jealousy and insecurities
25.Learn to control your anger
26.Never never try to get into a meaningless argument with them
27.Limit your conversation to the essentials and focusing on facts and data
Why intelligent people miss opportunities
1.The thing with stupid people is that they don't know they're stupid. It sounds so obvious as to be unworthy of pointing out, but the fact haunts people in every walk of life.
2.Intelligent people approach situations with great care and delicacy. - where as people with low intelligence levels confidently screw-up most of the thing they touch - believing themselves to be the greatest thing to happen to mankind
3.Intelligence is not the same as critical thinking—and the difference matters
4.Although intelligent people are likely to get better grades in school and become successful and may get into less - the wellbeing is never connected with intelligence levels.
5.The ability to think critically - actually has the promise of creating satisfaction in life - that is the reason brilliant people without critical thinking skills do dumb things.
6.Greater intelligence does not enable you making wiser decisions - because in many cases your mental blind spots can make you look foolish.
7.When people face an uncertain situation, they don't carefully evaluate the information - they go for mental shortcuts which can be foolish
8.Try solving the following two popular questions taken from the internet - mentally [without searching for its answer on the internet].
I. In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half of the lake?
II. Or a bat and ball cost a dollar and ten cents. The bat costs a dollar more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?
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